@KTzone » 日常 - 新聞時事 » 印尼這地方打算將“一夫多妻”合法化 引軒然大波

2019-7-15 21:52 宅~有何不可
印尼這地方打算將“一夫多妻”合法化 引軒然大波

[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/7/w550h257/20190715/d6ea-hzuhxyq0182011.jpg" alt=" ▲亞齊所在的位置 (圖via百度百科)[/img] ▲亞齊所在的位置 (圖via百度百科)
  West Aceh Ulema Council (MPU) chairman Teungku Abdurrani Adian has expressed support for a plan by the Aceh administration to legalize polygamy。
  西亞齊烏理瑪委員會主席Teungku Abdurrani Adian表示,支持亞齊政府將一夫多妻合法化的計劃。
  He added that as the marriages were not acknowledged by the state, women tended to be put at a disadvantage, specifically in terms of the distribution of inheritances and child recognition。
  Adian also argued that if polygamy was not legalized then the number of illegal headmen would grow in Aceh。
  ▲Ulema Council supports Aceh’s plan to legalize polygamy (via Jakarta Post)
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/116/w550h366/20190715/b16f-hzuhxyq0182055.jpg" alt=" ▲亞齊當地景象 (圖via WSJ)[/img] ▲亞齊當地景象 (圖via WSJ)
  沒經過正式登記的宗教型婚姻,在當地被叫做‘nikah siri’。(或nikah sirri)
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/58/w550h308/20190715/7e92-hzuhxyq0182092.jpg" alt="(圖via ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan)[/img](圖via ANTARA FOTO/Sigid Kurniawan)
  不過,據媒體報道,儘管‘nikah siri’不被國傢法律認可,但在印尼社會其實還挺常見的……
  Although the Indonesian government does not recognise the ‘nikah siri’, unregistered religious marriage, the practice is widespread above all among the richer classes: businessmen, politicians and prominent personalities often resort to the practice, to silence criticism and gossip over their extramarital affairs。
  儘管印尼政府不承認未經註冊的宗教婚姻‘nikah siri’,但它在富人階層中尤其普遍:商人、政客和知名人士往往用這一方式和當事女子“結婚”,以平息外界對他們婚外情的批評與八卦。
  ▲Aceh’s polygamy bill draws strong criticisms (via AsiaNews)
  換言之,如果哪位大亨的婚外情被輿論批評瞭,他就可以和情婦搞個‘nikah siri’,成?“夫妻”平息非議——哪怕他已經有瞭法律登記的妻子。
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/117/w550h367/20190715/228e-hzuhxyq0182126.jpg" alt=" (圖via網絡)[/img] (圖via網絡)
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/703/w550h153/20190715/9be7-hzuhxyq0182167.png" alt="[/img]
  A club dedicated to promoting polygamy in Indonesia is actively touting “a quick way to have four wives” through classes across the country that cost hundreds of dollars。
  Class sizes are limited to 20 people — most of them men — with a 50 per cent discount being offered to female attendees in an attempt to attract more women。
  Topics covered include how to begin and maintain a polygamous marriage, how to acquire four wives within a short period of time, and how to avoid a divorce。
  ▲Inside Indonesia‘s controversial training seminars preparing Muslims for polygamous marriage (via ABC)
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/117/w550h367/20190715/fa1e-hzuhxyq0182241.jpg" alt=" (圖via Shutterstock)[/img] (圖via Shutterstock)
  不過,無論再怎麼開“培訓班”,事實上在印尼的絕大多數地區,‘nikah siri’這類的宗教婚姻並沒有法律效力。
  但現在,亞齊地區打算給‘nikah siri’立法瞭:“一夫多妻”在當地可能將合法化……
  Aceh provincial authorities want to give it a legal framework, specifying basic requirements, such as the maximum number of wives (4) and conditions under which a Muslim man can marry more than one woman, such as a wife’s infertility。
  亞齊當局希望給‘nikah siri’套一個法律的框架,並具體規定其基本要求,如男子最多能擁有的妻子數量(4人)、在哪些情況下穆斯林男子可以娶一名以上的女子(如妻子不能生育)。
  The husband must also be able to guarantee the same living standards to his new wife and children, in addition to that of his first wife。
  ▲Aceh’s polygamy bill draws strong criticisms (via AsiaNews)
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/472/w310h162/20190715/1919-hzuhxyq0182285.png" alt=" (圖via網絡)[/img] (圖via網絡)
  The bill has been targeted by the National Commission on Violence Against Women (Komisi Nasional Anti Kekerasan terhadap Perempuan or Komnas Perempuan)。 One of its members, Adriana Venny, thinks that the proposed Raqan is only an effort to “legalise” sexual desire。
  “一夫多妻”的法案被國傢婦女反暴力委員會盯上瞭。委員會成員之一的Adriana Venny認?,這一提議隻是努力想讓性慾“合法化”罷瞭。
  “We are deeply and seriously worried by the issue,” she said。 “Polygamy is nothing more than a form of domestic violence: it should not be accepted and even less practiced。 This practice is not recommended even in countries with an Islamic majority。”
  ▲Aceh’s polygamy bill draws strong criticisms (via AsiaNews)
  “Only the husband benefits from it, giving vent to his libido on more than one woman。 I wonder if polyandry (marriage between one woman and several men) would be accepted in Indonesia?”
  ▲Aceh’s polygamy bill draws strong criticisms (via AsiaNews)
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/320/w160h160/20190715/c0a1-hzuhxyq0182584.jpg" alt="[/img]

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