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2019-4-16 09:55 ¦v~¦³¦ó¤£¥i
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[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/121/w550h371/20190416/0mP_-hvsckth3861243.jpg" alt="[/img]
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/707/w550h157/20190416/QI_1-hvsckth3861295.jpg" alt="[/img]
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[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/41/w550h291/20190416/4rdA-hvsckth3861342.jpg" alt="[/img]
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[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/408/w208h200/20190416/4qAp-hvsckth3861397.jpg" alt="[/img]
¡@¡@±¡³ø¾÷ºc³zÅS¦V­^°ê´CÅé³zÅS¡A¨©©~©i¤£¬O¦p¦o¦Û¤v©Ò»¡ªº¨º¼Ë¬O¤@­Ó¥­¥Á¡C¦Ó¬O±aµÛAK47±½µóªºISIS ¡§°õªk¤H­û¡¨¡C¾aµÛÁ|³ø¨º¨Ç¥Í¬¡Á|¤î¤£²Å¦X¡§¥ì´µÄõ±Ð³W©w¡¨ªº¤k©Ê¡A¨C¤ë¦¬¤J1500­^Âé¡C
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/684/w550h134/20190416/WApB-hvsckth3861450.jpg" alt=" Via the Sun[/img] Via the Sun
¡@¡@The Brit teen was said to be a member of the barbarous terror group¡¥s feared ¡§morality police¡¨¡A who punished those that flouted ISIS laws on how to dress and behave¡C
¡@¡@Begum¡A who fled her London home four years ago to join the group¡A was seen clutching a gun as she yelled at Syrian women in ISIS-stronghold Raqqa for wearing brightly-coloured shoes¡C
¡@¡@Via The Sun
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/93/w550h343/20190416/rWtD-hvsckth3861512.jpg" alt=" via SAM TARLING[/img] via SAM TARLING
¡@¡@There were separate allegations that Begum stitched suicide bombers into explosive vests¡A so they could not be removed without detonating¡C
¡@¡@Via Independent
¡@¡@¡§People should have sympathy towards me and everything I¡¦ve been through¡C I didn¡¦t know what I was getting into when I left¡C
¡@¡@¡§¤j³ÃÀ³¸Ó¹ï§Ú©M§Ú©Ò¸g¾ú¹Lªº¤@¤Áªí¥Ü¦P±¡¡C §ÚÂ÷¶}­^°êªº®É­Ô¡A¤£ª¾¹D¨Æ±¡·|³o¼Ëµo®i¡C¡¨
¡@¡@¡§They don¡¦t have any evidence against me doing anything dangerous¡C¡¨
¡@¡@¡§When I went to Syria I was just a housewife for four years¡A I just stayed at home¡A took care of my husband¡A took care of my kids¡C¡¨
¡@¡@Via Independent
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/480/w240h240/20190416/tf3H-hvsckth3861563.jpg" alt="[/img]
¡@¡@Jihadi bride stereotypes are causing female Isis members to be dangerously underestimated by security services¡A the United Nations has warned¡C
¡@¡@In the wake of home secretary Sajid Javid¡¦s decision to strip Shamima Begum of her British nationality¡A an arm of the UN Security Council said there was an ¡§urgent need¡¨ to monitor female jihadis remaining in Iraq and Syria¡C
¡@¡@Via Independent
¡@¡@In its annual report on terrorism in the European Union¡A Europol said that while the number of foreign citizens joining Isis was decreasing¡A women made up an increasingly ¡§significant percentage¡¨¡C  
¡@¡@¡§An increasing proportion of women have travelled from some EU member states ¡V for example from the UK¡A Belgium and¡A more markedly¡A the Netherlands¡A¡¨ the security agency said¡C ¡§Women may also seek to radicalise others¡A take part in on and offline recruitment¡A and actively finance and facilitate terrorist groups and departure to them¡C¡¨
¡@¡@That role is fostered by Isis¡A which allows foreign women internet access on the understanding they will use it contact ¡§sisters¡¨ at home¡C
¡@¡@Via Independent
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/620/w550h70/20190416/S3wy-hvsckth3861603.jpg" alt="[/img]
[img]http://n.sinaimg.cn/news/crawl/617/w550h67/20190416/WwIP-hvsckth3861640.jpg" alt="[/img]

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